Jun 11, 2008

Summer Reading Assignment

1. Peruse A People's History of the United States. Begin by leafing through the book. Then read the table of contents – yes, read the table of contents carefully. Think about what the titles may mean. Read the first four paragraphs of the Preface to get a sense of the authors' purpose.


2. Read the book: A People's History of the United States.

Write one 1 journal entry for each chapter.

·         Label each entry with the chapter number and Zinn's chapter title.

·         Each entry should be 2 paragraphs or more including:

o    Specific evidence from the chapter: names, dates, events,

o    Your reaction to the evidence,

o    Two or more questions about the evidence and/or Zinn's choice of evidence or his conclusions

o    Please see the example entry by clicking the link below.


You may print out a full description of the assignment including the assessment guide and an example journal entry by clicking this sentence.


Former AP students made a list tips for you.  Click here to read their tips!


Have a great summer!

Mr. Spaulding

May 27, 2008

Watrous Journal Transcription

Last lesson we read portions of Charles Watrous' 1918 journal. You should have attempted to transcribe (copy) portions of the journal. Portions are difficult to read!

Today in class and for homework please complete the following:

a) Transcribe two or three additional pages from his journal; on Thursday we'll collate these pages, put together a typed draft of the entire journal, and write a draft history of the days he was in Europe. Historical work is quite difficult isn't it! (:

b) Homework: Complete the draft outline of your virtual tour of the USA. This will be our last project. The handout provided will help you.

May 13, 2008


Congratulations on completing the A.P. U.S. History examination!

This is a significant accomplishment -- you've taken a college level class and a college style examination! Your score will reflect the amount of work that you've invested throughout the year rather than an individual assignment or project.

Our plan for the remainder of the school year:
**During the week of May 11th we will have time to "catch up" with any incomplete work. The the previous posting for a description of the review work.

**Beginning May 19th we will work with a set of primary source documents that have never before been published. We'll engage in the work of historians! This assignment will be approximately 20% of the 4th quarter and final exam grade.

**In the first week of June we will complete a tour of the United States: a virtual tour! This assignment will be approximately 20% of the 4th quarter and final exam grade.

May 5, 2008

Exam Review Assignments

The exam is Friday, May 9th! Be on time! You'll do great if you continue to prepare well.

You'll best prepare if you do the following assignments. Do note that these are graded assignments that will affect your fourth quarter grade.

1. Compelte a multiple-choice practice test online (you have the questions and the access code).

2. Come after school one day to take a practice written test.

3. Be able to define at least 80% of the terms and events on this outline. http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfpcxbx4_570cr3kxzhj

4. Complete all chapters in your review book by Mark Epstein (lime and red/earth color) . Click here for the assessment guide.

5. Complete the practice test at the end of the review book.

Hang on! We're almost to the exam! You can do it!

Apr 29, 2008

US Foreign Policy: 1840's to 1919

a) Complete an evidence chart, and thesis statement for the DBQ “U.S. Imperialism”, on pages 36-41 of the AP US History review book. (Epstein) (20 points)

b) Complete an evidence chart, and thesis statement for the DBQ: “The Fight over the Versailles Treaty”. (20 points)

c) delete

d) Choose ANY ONE of these three to write as a DBQ essay. Use the rubric on the opposite side of this page. Be certain to use the sources in your answer. Interpret the sources (What is said?), analyze the sources (How is it said?), and include evaluation of the sources (Why is a particular source to be trusted? What is the bias of the source? What does this bias reveal about the concerns of that time?). (50 points)

AP Newsletter for Parents/Guardians and Students

Please click the title of this posting to view our spring newsletter. Details about the exam and exam preparation are included!

Apr 23, 2008

American Foreign Policy

1. Please read and make notes on the attached readings that summarize U.S. foreign policy from the Spanish-American War till the present.

      Part I: Considering America’s Changing Role    Complete the Study Guide and Advanced Study Guide (20 points)           

      Part II: A Changing World  Complete the Study Guide and Advanced Study Guide (20 points)


2. Please complete the note grid titled “Twentieth Century Conflicts” using materials from your textbooks and class notes. (20 points)


3. Based on these notes write a 2 page essay (FRQ) in response to the following question: To what extent was U.S. foreign policy following World War II  focused on ideology rather than conquest of land?  (40 points) 


Include an evidence chart page. (10 points)

U.S. Economic Development: 1945 to 2001

Please read “The Eisenhower Years; 1952-1960” (chapter 27), and “Promises and Turmoil” (chapter 28) and complete all of the multiple choice answers at the end of the chapters.

Apr 11, 2008

Holiday Review Assignment!

Please complete the review assignment distributed in class. I expect this will take you about 2 hours a day for 6 days. This is necessary to properly prepare for the exam! You'll be on your way to being well prepared for the exam if you complete this work over the holiday.

Please note that this work will be 25% of your fourth quarter grade!

Click on the assignment title for a copy if you have missplaced yours!

Apr 9, 2008

Test Preparation

1. Study for the test on Thursday; 70 minutes (see the opposite side for a list of terms).


2. Prepare note cards for any 20 of the terms provided.  If you already have note cards for some of these items you can turn those in for credit!  Much of this should be review!