Feb 12, 2007

Progressivism (Part II, Due Wednesday)

1.      Source Reading Assignment: “Progressivism” Please read all of the primary sources provided on pages 444-446 and the cartoon on 443.


DBQ Question: To what extent is it valid to characterize progressivism as a single progressive movement rather than a loosely connected group of individual reform movements focused on a variety of separate issues?


2.      Respond to this DBQ by doing the following:

a) create a list of categories b)create a list of prior knowledge c) make marginal notes on the sources provided (post-it-notes) and d)write a tentative thesis statement.


If there is a snow day on Wednesday please

a)      Complete the source-work assignment related to labor  and

b)      Write a 1-2 page reflection concerning any one reform issue related to Progressivism.