Dec 14, 2007

Revolution to Constitution II

Extra Credit: Play the game on the site related to the DVD we've used in class Liberty! "The Road to Revolution Game" The link to the Liberty site is also in the AP US History links section in the left column!

Assignment, Due Tuesday, December 18th:
Click on this assignment title for a printable assignment for chapter 6.

1. Read United States History, “The Constitution and the New Republic” chapter 6.
2. Answer questions 1-10 (pages 114-115) (10 points)
3. Create a T chart to compare the views of Hamilton and Jefferson regarding the development of a Constitution for the United States. (10 points)
4. Political Parties (5 points)
a. Make a list of factors that led to the development of political parties in the 1790’s.
b. Name the political parties and define their positions.
5. Answer questions 1-2 on page 120 after reading and making notes about the sources on pages 116-120.
a. Question 1: How does Alexander Hamilton’s view of the Constitution (Doc A) differ from Thomas Jefferson’s viewpoint (Doc. B)?(5 points)
b. Question 2: What connection is Benjamin Banneker making between Jefferson’s professed beliefs during the American Revolution and the continued existence of slavery? (5 points)

6. If you were a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, what would be FIVE questions you would ask about the proposed constitution, or issues that you would consider necessary to consider as the constitution was being composed. Beside each question make a set of facts, and evidence that may help you to consider the question. Use source materials from your textbook and our class notes and readings! (10 points)