Congratulations on completing the A.P. U.S. History examination!
This is a significant accomplishment -- you've taken a college level class and a college style examination! Your score will reflect the amount of work that you've invested throughout the year rather than an individual assignment or project.
Our plan for the remainder of the school year:
**During the week of May 11th we will have time to "catch up" with any incomplete work. The the previous posting for a description of the review work.
**Beginning May 19th we will work with a set of primary source documents that have never before been published. We'll engage in the work of historians! This assignment will be approximately 20% of the 4th quarter and final exam grade.
**In the first week of June we will complete a tour of the United States: a virtual tour! This assignment will be approximately 20% of the 4th quarter and final exam grade.